

Sugaring, sugar waxing or Persian waxing is a method of hair removal that has been in use since 1900 BC, is originally considered to be an ancient Egyptian art, and even purportedly used by Cleopatra herself for her beauty and youth. Historically, sugar was confined to the regions surrounding Persia until the first millennium AD. As a result, it is speculated that honey was the first sugaring agent. This is why they ultimately made use of a sugaring paste or wax called ‘moum’ made of sugar, water, and lemon for removing hair. Lemon juice is added for its acidity, which breaks up the sucrose into fructose and glucose. The paste was applied in the direction of hair growth, covered with a piece of muslin cloth and pulled off when cooled. This was considered to be the most effective and natural way of removing body hair. This ancient Egyptian art of hair removal has only recently been revived in the modern age, as smooth, hairless skin is the desire of a majority of women today.

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